If you use insurance, you may not owe the full amount of the fees we charge depending on your plan benefits. You may only owe a copay, deductible, or coinsurance. Please contact your insurance about your benefits and verify we are in network with your particular plan. For any other questions, please call our office at 717-745-6166.
First Appointment - $200
Individual (1 hour) - $180
Individual (45 min) - $135
Family/Couple's (1 hour) - $180
Family/Couple's (45 min) - $135
Group - None currently running
First Appointment - $200
Additional 1 hr Appointments - $180
Additional 45 min Appointments - $135
First Appointment - $200
Individual (1 hour) - $180
Individual (45 min) - $135
Family/Couple's (1 hour) - $180
Family/Couple's (45 min) - $135
Group - None currently running
First Appointment - $200
Additional 1 hr Appointments - $180
Additional 45 min Appointments - $135
*CONSULTATION - Depending on who you ask, consultation may mean a number of different things. We view consultation as a short-term professional relationship in which we use our expertise to provide you with recommendations/suggestions about how to proceed with your unique situation or dilemma. For example, parents may have questions about treatment options if their child may be experiencing problematic behaviors. We can consult with parents about their unique situation and provide suggestions/recommendations for their next steps in helping their child. Sometimes we find that individuals are not sure if therapy is what he or she is looking for or if it's an evaluation/assessment. If you are not sure what you need, we can always meet for a consultation first.
*PSYCHO-EDUCATION - Psycho-education is NOT THERAPY and is NOT able to be billed under insurance. An example of this would be Cooperative Parenting sessions, which may be court ordered in situations where parents are divorced or the parents are involved in legal issues in regards to child custody. Cooperative Parenting is typically 8 sessions long and each parent is responsible for half of the fee. We would typically meet every other week. Please call or email for more information.